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Liability & Responsibility

China Explorer Tour commits to arranging, performing, or providing all parts of your holiday with reasonable skill and care, as agreed in our contract with you. This means we accept responsibility if your contracted holiday arrangements are not provided as promised or are deficient due to the failure of our staff, agents, or suppliers to use reasonable skill and care in their duties.

Scope of Responsibility

We are accountable for the actions of our employees, agents, and suppliers only if they were acting within their employment scope or executing tasks we assigned to them. However, we are not responsible for any injury, illness, death, loss, damage, expense, or other claims resulting from:

  • The actions of the person(s) affected.
  • The actions of a third party unconnected with the provision of your holiday that we could not foresee or prevent.
  • Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances as outlined in the Force Majeure/Unexpected Event section.

Moreover, we cannot accept responsibility where your holiday enjoyment is impacted by issues you did not disclose to us when booking.

Services Not Included

We are not liable for any services not detailed in our Confirmation Letter. This exclusion applies to services or facilities provided by your hotel or any other supplier that are not part of our advertised holiday package and which we did not agree to arrange.

Your Responsibility

You are expected to conduct yourself properly and not to cause distress, danger, or upset to others or damage to property. Should our team, including employees, agents, or suppliers, deem your behavior inappropriate, we reserve the right to terminate your contract without further obligations to cover expenses, offer compensation, or arrange your return.

You are responsible for any damage or loss caused by your actions during the holiday. Immediate payment for such damages is required, either directly to the service provider or as estimated damages. If post-assessment costs vary, the difference will either be charged or refunded to you. Failure to comply will result in your liability for subsequent claims against us, including legal costs.

Travel Documentation and Compliance

It is your responsibility to ensure all travel documents and health requirements are in order, valid, and complete before travel. You must bear any costs for obtaining necessary documentation. We cannot be held liable if you are denied transport or entry into a country due to non-compliance with these requirements.

Official Requirements

You must verify entry and other requirements at the time of booking and regularly before departure. Any failure to comply with health or other requirements resulting in fines or costs incurred by us will be your financial responsibility. If such non-compliance affects your ability to travel, standard cancellation charges will apply.

Booking Accuracy

Ensure the name on your airline tickets matches the name on your passport. If there is any discrepancy or additional services verbally communicated by us or your travel agent not documented in our materials, you must mention these during booking to allow us to confirm them officially.Privacy and Security Policy

At China Explorer Tour, we deeply value your trust and are committed to the privacy and security of your personal information. This policy outlines how we handle your data – detailing our methods for collecting, using, storing, and safeguarding it, and explaining your rights regarding your personal data.

Health Requirements

It is your responsibility to determine whether a tour is suitable for you. You should consult with your physician to confirm your fitness for travel and participation in any planned activities. You should also seek medical advice on vaccinations and other medical precautions. We do not provide medical advice. It is essential for you to assess the risks and requirements of each aspect of the tour based on your unique circumstances, limitations, fitness level, and medical needs.

Medical Facilities in Remote Areas

Travel in China may include visits to remote or developing regions, where medical facilities may not be readily accessible and may not meet the standards of those found in your home country. The availability and standard of medical facilities vary, and we make no representations or warranties regarding them.

Medical Information and Conditions

You are required to provide any necessary medical information reasonably needed. If you have pre-existing medical conditions that might affect your ability to travel, participate in the tour, travel to remote areas, or potentially impact other travelers, you must submit a Medical Form signed by a licensed physician. This form must be provided to us at the time of final payment for your booking. You must complete the Medical Form honestly, disclosing all relevant medical information. We reserve the right to deny travel or participation in any part of a tour if, based on our assessment, your physical or mental condition makes you unfit for travel or poses a risk to yourself or others.

If you fail to submit the required Medical Form or provide necessary medical information by the specified deadline, we reserve the right to cancel your booking, and applicable cancellation fees will apply.

Pregnancy and Other Medical Conditions

Pregnancy is considered a medical condition and must be disclosed at the time of booking. We may refuse to carry women who are over 24 weeks pregnant and individuals with certain medical conditions if reasonable accommodations cannot be provided.

Privacy Policy

Why We Collect Your Personal Data

To deliver optimal travel tours and services, we need specific details about you. Your personal data aids us in providing the requested services and ensures you receive exemplary service. Additionally, your data helps us enhance our overall offerings.

Data Collection Methods

We collect your data mainly when you voluntarily provide it through our website forms, registrations, emails, and during service bookings. We also gather data from devices you use to access our website, such as IP addresses and browser settings, to enhance your user experience and ensure service consistency.

Types of Data We Collect

  • Information necessary for booking, like your name, email, and sometimes your phone number, passport details, and health information.
  • Details about your preferences and interests, such as dietary requirements and accommodation needs.
  • Feedback, travel stories, and images that you share with us.
  • Unique identifiers like usernames and account numbers.
  • Billing information, including credit card details and billing addresses.

How We Use Your Information

Your data is used to:

  • Custom design trips that cater to your interests.
  • Secure travel arrangements such as flight and hotel bookings, especially in regions requiring special permits.
  • Continuously improve our website based on your feedback.
  • Enhance our customer service capabilities.
  • Complete transactions securely and confidentially.
  • Send you newsletters, with the option to unsubscribe at any time.

Data Protection

Your personal information is strictly guarded. We do not share it with third parties without your explicit consent, unless required by law. Our robust security measures prevent unauthorized access and misuse of your data.

External Links and Third-Party Responsibilities

Our website may contain links to external sites, governed by their own privacy policies. GlobeTrotter Travel Limited is not responsible for the data protection practices of these sites.

Your Responsibilities

When you provide us with data about other individuals in your group, ensure they understand and consent to this privacy policy. We may publish the travel content you provide, with your consent, on our platforms, allowing others to view it.

Contacting Us

If you have any inquiries or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at

Amendments to This Policy

GlobeTrotter Travel Limited reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. We encourage you to review this policy regularly to stay informed about how we are protecting your data.

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